​​​Choctaw Bay Music Club

Choctaw Bay Music Club Music Events For The Community

The Choctaw Bay Music Club is a nonprofit, education, Sec 501(c)(3) organization, all donations are tax deductible.  Florida Registration #CH12302.  No professional solicitors are used and 100% of your contribution is retained by the CBMC

It's easy,

Become a member today.  

Download and fill out the below application. 

FAQ about Membership:  

Who can become a member?  Any music loving adult (teacher, musician, music lover, hobbiest).

What does it cost?  Yearly membership dues are only $27 due each Fall.  

Do I have to become a member of CBMC to enter my students in the National Federation of Music Clubs Festival?  Yes.

Is CBMC part of NFMC?  Yes, we are a Senior Club member of the Florida Federation of Music clubs which is a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC).  You can read more about FFMC and NFMC at their website at: http://www.nfmc-music.org/

Are only member's students eligible to receive scholarship awards from CBMC?  Yes.

Contact:  Yili Rutledge

Email:   CBMC1977@gmail.com

Phone:   732.707.7775


Mail:  804 Lake Amick Drive

           Niceville, FL 32578  

Contact Us